Wednesday, August 23, 2006

best movies i saw this summer

The Apartment- Jack Lemmon, Shirley Maclaine
selling points: Shirley Maclaine is really cute, Fred Macmurray captures the creepiness of the 1950s perfectly
notable: whack gender politics
The Last Movie- Dennis Hopper
selling points: hilarious, meta, audience-baffling
notable: Talyatastic soundtrack, indecipherable plot
Time Regained- Catherine Deneuve
selling points: I cried. Marcel perfectly cast
notable: why film only the final book of a series?
Sword of the Beast- japanese people
selling points: looking for gold
notable: "What connection do I have with you? Why kill me?" "We ARE connected...because I'll see you in HELL!"
Army of Shadows- french people
selling points: Correggio-esque cinematography, every actor from every other French film of this era/style
notable: bizarrely brutal; great score
Manhattan- Woody Allen, Muriel Hemingway
selling point: Diane Keaton's intense perm
notable: rooting for Woody Allen to get with a 17-year-old
Hidden Blade- different japanese people
selling points: sequel to "Twilight Samurai," intensely thoughtful genre entry
notable: last scene almost exactly like the end of the Keira Knightley "Pride & Prejudice"
Clans of Intrigue- Di Long, Betty Bei Di
selling point: treacherous hermaphrodite japanese monks
notable: tearing off your own hand to use as a projectile weapon (YES)
L'Eclisse- Monica Vitti, Alain Delon
La Notte- Monica Vitti, Jeanne Moureau, Marcello Mastroianni
selling points: two of the best final scenes in cinema, Monica Vitti is a babe
notable: the strange shuffle-board scene in "la notte" rivals the mime-tennis scene in "blow up" in terms of "Best Imaginary Game in an Antonioni Movie"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ps. what happened to "babes in toyland"? total pussyfoot.