Tuesday, August 22, 2006

the new paris hilton song

Am I the only person who wanted the Paris Hilton song to be AWESOME? And not awesome in a Beyonce way, but awesome, like have HG:Fact-style art, the O RLY? bird, guest appearances by Dave Navarro, Paris rapping, etc. I mean, what is the point of her recording this Blondie-lite pop-ska song? There's no way it is going to be a big hit, what with the new Beyonce, Outkast, Gnarls Barkley, etc. And I'm not into "production" or "producers," but at least I know that is what sells records. Granted, this is better than Hillary Duff, but Kelly Clarkson shits all over this, so it is just this boring, forgettable song that Gwen Stefani probably turned down.

Next song:
-- guitar solos
-- part of the video should be in night vision
-- she should rap
-- lyrics should be about saving the rainforest but also include innuendos about sexual positions
-- whatever style it is in, should be described as "emotional funk metal"
-- should be so unbelievably bad that her label will drop her, but it will be a huge hit on the internet

further: why isn't Jada Pinkett-Smith's rap-metal band taking off? it is the high concept of the century!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

still better than li.lo.