Saturday, July 22, 2006

saturday= coffee and talya

-- books I finished in the past week: Foucault History of Sexuality, Bowie Freud, Proust and Lacan, Proust The Guermantes Way, Freud Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and Raymond Williams Marxism and Literature.
-- i'm crossing my fingers that saturday brunch will happen; skrewdrivers! pancakes!
-- "panini?"=my new favorite punchline
-- check out bob dylan in his most hippy-jew period (including some kind of head-rag) playing the most ignorant, jammed out, slide-guitar, alternate-melody version of "shelter from the storm"
-- how embarassed would you be to be, like, a registered Democrat? i think in a way they have the "guy who has been dating the same girl for a while" syndrome-- they start wearing sweatpants, don't shave, come to class with bed-head, etc.-- because they know their base has nowhere to go, but C'MON, have some dignity.
-- I'm going to watch the Eichmann trial documentary ("The Specialist") this weekend or monday, or wednesday after my French mid-term; anyone interested? we can use your VCR
-- suggest someone to cut my hair; I can't really pull off the Greg Ginn.
-- UGH!!! i just remembered I had the looongest dream about espresso; like, revolving around that I don't know how much coffee to use in an espresso machine. Fuck that! where are the Sarah Michelle Gellar dreams?
-- but, to explain the espresso dream, clearly it has to do with the obnoxious businessman yesterday who was asking too many questions about the espresso beans at Fairway, BUT WHAT IT'S REALLY ABOUT is that i have a crush on the concession girl at Film Forum (you know the one) and that they don't serve coffee there, only espresso drinks.


Anonymous said...

dude. get bidiTA to cut your hair. after she cut mine i have been getting nothing but compliments.

Anonymous said...


Ben Parker said...

"Let's try and change the direction of our party to be more/less radical/centrist!"

What's fucked about primaries is that, for everyone who wants to influence the platform/tendencies of the party, there is someone else who, in voting, is trying to nominate the most-electable candidate for the general election.

Each of these (not-always-contradictory) goals is equally frivolous.