Friday, October 13, 2006


Oh great. What the world really needs is this constipated character study of an inbred nincompoop, rendered as a deep meditation on progress and tradition. Let's be honest: there is almost no way that Elizabeth II can even read. Her IQ is probably hovering in the low 80s. Her portrayal in the Naked Gun seems far more accurate to me:

But TONY BLAIR is the voice of radicalism in this film? Or his wife? Can someone just drag a rake over my eyes? I feel like I am on crazy pills reading the reviews of this film. Are we supposed to take seriously the ultimate artificial event of our time, the pathetic finale of Princess Diana? I'm sure this film thinks it is like Noh theater or something, and that every small reaction in the throne room is a monumental event in the world, but I almost vomited watching the trailer, and dwelling on the fucking Kings and Queens of Merry Olde England and Their Grand Furrowed Brows seems like a desperate bourgeois attempt to chastise sovereignty while at the same time lavishing affection on its "good" representation (Diana) and imagine that retrograde, drooling idiots like Queen Elizabeth II are capable of the same profound reflection as we have come to expect from President Martin Sheen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw this movie, actually, at the film festival opening night (i'm so VIP) and it's surprisingly good. It's not really ABOUT the queen, or ABOUT tony blair.

It is instead an allegory about power, time and relationships.

And I think it was interesting to choose such a contemporary historical moment to do so. The things that you did that may make one popular (stoicism and distance, in this case) and "of the age" years previously (people LOVED the Queen in WW2, etc) can eventually turn you into a nincompoop that everyone hates. To me, the film was more "about" Tony Blair if it was to be about anyone, since he is epically unpopular now, and in the film he is trying to protect the queen from becoming epic-ly (how do you even spell that? can you make epic and adjective like that? Is that even an adjective that i'm talking about? OH FUCK.) unpopular herself just 10 years ago. The movie is about stagnance vs. evolution, and how power is about so much more than intelligence; often, it has more to do with wit, charisma, compromise and flexibility.

And more than that, the film is very tongue in cheek and FUNNY.