Saturday, October 21, 2006

ny times publishes picture of french fries

The caption is: "french fries discovered in a deep-cleaning of a Delta 767"-- which raises the question, do you need a "deep-cleaning" to find an open box of french fries in an overhead compartment?

But you know what? I would eat those french fries. They look pretty good. I bet they are soggy, since (according to the article), they may be up to 18 months old, but they aren't soaking in ketchup, and while they are undoubtedly from a restaurant in the airport, I bet it was like Bennigan's. So yeah. I think the moral is, if "deep cleaning" can unearth such delicious-looking (read: edible) fries in unexpected places, I wonder if some more close investigations of nooks and crannies in my daily routine could unearth maybe some still-edible popcorn, peanut-butter filled pretzels, or baked Lays?


Anonymous said...

Dear future editor of the Ben Parker Library of America volume:
Please ensure that this blog entry makes it in.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

those look like "normal" fries, and since they have no mold on them, are probably about a week old at most. a bonus video on the dvd for super size me illustrates that normal fries will start to grow mold after about a week, while mcdonalds fries have so many preservatives that they go an indefinite amount of time (at least 6 weeks) w/o ever changing in appearance.